E.M. Computergraphic

EMC's Phase 2 CD... What Our Customers said...

Eric Pickering from Corwen... rated the EMC Phase 2 CD at 90%

"My many other CDs are now at the bottom of the shoe box!"

S. Boothe from Hampshire... rated the EMC Phase 2 CD at 97.5%

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on releasing Phase 2 BEFORE your proposed launch day. We don't see many examples of this nowadays."

"Secondly, I really thought that the quality of your Phase 1 CD was truly excellent and to be honest I really didn't think that the quality of Phase 2 would compare. All too often a company releases a product that is excellent only to follow with a product that is poor quality. Well done EMC!"

Peter Stockdale from Sunderland... rated the EMC Phase 2 CD at 94%

"I was initially very skeptical at your claims concerning the quality of your CDs but bought Phase 2 anyway. I couldn't have been happier with it."


Steven Banks from Dundee... rated the EMC Phase 2 CD at 98%

"I was totally gobsmacked at the quality of Phase 2, please accept my order for Phase 1 and 3."

More! What the magazines said about the EMC Phase 2 CD!

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